How to Clean a 3D Printer BuildTak Surface on the E2

This manual will show you how to clean the BuildTak surface of your E2 Raise3D device. Follow the easy steps below to have the most of your 3D printer and provide a long-life and durable device.


List of Tools Needed

  • Warm water
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Soft cleaning cloth or microfiber cloth


  1. This is a quite simple process that does not take time. To clean the BuildTak of your 3D printer, you will only need warm water or isopropyl alcohol, applied any of these on to a soft cloth and rub the area softly to clean it from any residue. It is particularly important to avoid soap or other cleaning products as these can damage the surface.


2. In case that an adhesive has been applied to the surface, only use warm water to soften it and use the scraper that comes with your 3D printer to remove the adhesive gently. See the images below for a reference when cleaning this surface.

Cleaning the BuildTak of a 3D Printer


Clean 3D Printer BuildTak




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